
Marketing Design Dispatch

Join 17,000+ creatives receiving insider insights about brand and marketing design – featuring landing page and rebrand breakdowns, useful career content, and a behind-the-scenes look at running a Brand Studio team in tech.

bar charts of my income since 2018, showing an overall decrease this year from 2023

The financial cost of burnout (real numbers) 📉

Well Reader, it's that time of year where I pull together the numbers from my various income streams and share them with you. This is my seventh year of writing an annual income report, but it’s the first time that I’m reporting an overall decrease in income from the previous year. In fact, when it comes to my side business this year I’m reporting the lowest level of revenue since I first started writing these reports. Yikes. What you’ll see in these numbers is the financial cost of burnout....

when it's a marathon, not a sprint... but you still have to move really fast

First of all, thank you to every who responded with such enthusiasm to the lo-fi newsletter I sent last week. ❤️ I really loved hearing your wins. Here's just a few things that Marketing Design Dispatch readers are celebrating recently: Increased confidence in their role Taking the bold step of asking for a promotion Landing a meaningful project Landing a new job Making progress in dealing with anxiety All absolutely worthy of celebration 👏 I loved hearing your stories. Second, you know...

when constraints aren't breeding creativity

I know, I know: you're used to receiving prettier, branded emails from me in your inbox in the form of the Marketing Design Dispatch. (Or maybe you're not exactly used to it, since I've only sent about 4 issues in the past year!) When I realised I was burnt out in October last year, I hit pause on pretty much everything related to my side business, including the newsletter. I truly thought I'd take the rest of the year off and then be ready to go again come January. But then January came...

Behind-the-scenes of burnout recovery

Issue #121 Hi Reader, Long time, no newsletter from me. It's been a few months of ups and downs and I've got some honest updates for you in today's issue: What's been going well, and what hasn't been going well with my burnout recovery Filling you in on a side project venture that TOTALLY flopped Let's just get right into it, shall we? Burnout recovery: What's going well and what's not Back in February I uploaded a video sharing that I was going through a period of burnout and had paused my...

What career goals have you set?

Issue #120 I'm curious, Reader: have you got any career goals you're hoping to achieve this year? In this issue I'm reflecting on setting and achieving career goals, announcing my first ever in-person workshop event, sharing a video about burnout and an interesting behind-the-scenes of a Figma feature release motion graphic. Let's jump in! Setting & achieving career goals I'm in a period of growth right now as I tackle a large new-to-me project at work which is setting me up to achieve one of...

I burnt out

Issue #11 Hey Reader, I know it's been a while since I last sent out an issue of this newsletter. Here's the thing: 44% of tech workers experience burnout in their career. And last year, I finally accepted that it had gotten me too. In this issue I want to tell you what the signs were for me, and what I've been doing to try to recover from burnout without quitting my job. Burnout The build up With hindsight, I can see that I was in a period of burnout long before I finally accepted it. I...

How well do you understand marketing strategy?

Issue #118 Well I mean, the question is in the subject line. How well do you understand marketing strategy Reader? In this issue I'm sharing some thoughts on how much attention we should pay to this as brand and marketing designers (as well as a great resource you could use to get a little closer to it!) I'm also sharing a link to a slightly over-sharing video where I reveal exactly what earned in the last 12 months, and the results of a poll I ran in the last issue... let's go! Building your...

I'm a little out of my depth on this task...

Issue #117 How often do you tackle a project that's out of your comfort zone, Reader? Last week I started tackling a project I don't have much experience in: Creating a messaging guide. In this issue I'm sharing: How I'm approaching this messaging project from a brand perspective A real look at how it went the first time I tried Figma's variables feature A podcast episode for you to listen to this week A poll about meetings... Let's jump in! Creating a messaging guide When I became Creative...

Would you live with your workmates for a week?

Issue #116 Would you live with your workmates for a week, Reader? I've just returned from a week in France for the ConvertKit team retreat, where more than 60 members of our remote team flew in to spend time together. If you're curious to know what goes on during an event like that, read on – in this issue I'm sharing: A lowdown on the ConvertKit team retreat & what value I got from it A book recommendation to inspire & motivate you The replay of my Crafting a Personal Brand workshop The...

Making website improvements when you don't have time for a full redesign

Issue #115 Do you know the feeling, Reader, of knowing you need to make improvements to a site you're working on but not having time to go through the process for a redesign? Cos, same. In this issue I want to share a few small updates we've made to the ConvertKit marketing site recently to help towards business goals without having to stop and redesign the whole thing. Maybe it'll spark some ideas for you of small things that could have an impact! I'm also sharing: A last chance to get...

Join 17,000+ creatives receiving insider insights about brand and marketing design – featuring landing page and rebrand breakdowns, useful career content, and a behind-the-scenes look at running a Brand Studio team in tech.