
Marketing Design Dispatch

Are you on the right path in your design career?

Are you satisfied with the journey your career is taking you on, Reader?

If you're feeling there's a disconnect between what you are doing and what you want to be doing, today's issue of the Dispatch will help.

In this issue:

🎙️ A podcast episode (+ worksheet!) to help you check in on your design career alignment to your goals

📝 An article about what we should really worry about with AI

🎥 An in-depth interview about marketing design at ConvertKit

🎙️ Are you on the right path in your design career?

In episode 278 of the Design Life podcast, Femke and I talk about the times we've felt like the job we were in was out of alignment with our goals, and share what we did about it!

We talked through the Design Career Checkpoint worksheet (did you get your copy and fill it out yet?), the various factors that it covers (like compensation, team, growth opportunities...), and how we rate our current roles in those areas.

If you're feeling out of alignment in your career, I hope this episode might provide you some comfort in knowing you're not the only one who has encountered this.

And make sure you download the worksheet too! I love that Kjartan is going to use the reflection questions as conversation starters with his team too.

If you've already filled out the Design Career Checkpoint worksheet, I'd really love your feedback. Was it useful for you? What did you uncover? Will you use it again later this year to check back in?

Reply and let me know! I know this email looks all fancy and formatted, but it is just me writing to you at the end of the day :)

📝AI is going to eat your design system

I've been enjoying following Mia Blume's AI experiments & research process on Twitter, and she recently published this article with her findings from what she's learned about AI.

The bottom line is this: If we’re prepared, then AI can boost our creativity and discipline. If we’re not prepared, people will take the same tools we can be leveraging to create and do it without us. I don’t know about you, but that’s not the world I want to live in — for a variety of reasons.

Go read the article yourself for the details. It's a great short read, and might just be the kick-in-the-butt I needed to actively explore AI instead of just passively notice what folks share on my Twitter feed.

🎥 Inside Marketing Design at ConvertKit

If you haven't watched episode 1 of season 4 yet, make sure you do!

video preview

I am so proud of this show. I started it back in 2020 in an effort to learn from my peers in the industry. I wanted to grow in my design career, and as a solo designer I didn't have access to that mentorship from a fellow designer internally, so I started the show as an excuse to hop on calls with folks I wanted to learn from.

It was a real full-circle moment to record this episode with David for a few reasons.

  1. I recorded the first ever episode (also about design at ConvertKit) as a solo episode. Now, 3 years later, David is on the team and I'm no longer a solo designer on the marketing side of the company 🙌
  2. In season 2 I interviewed David about his work as a solo marketing designer at Sendible. Now in season 4 I got to interview him again about his work at ConvertKit!

I hope you enjoy the episode! There will be a new one coming out monthly this year for you to learn from so make sure you subscribe to the Inside Marketing Design YouTube channel.

Since I featured a Design Life episode in this issue, I wanted to share that my wonderful co-host Femke is currently visiting me in Spain! Here's a photo of us grabbing a coffee by the beach in Valencia just this morning.

This is the first time we've seen each other in four years, and it feels so great to be reunited 🤗

Hope you have a good week!

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Marketing Design Dispatch

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