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Marketing Design Dispatch

How would you spend a month off work?

Hi Reader,

On Friday evening I signed out of my work Slack and turned the out of office on my email to begin my 4 week sabbatical. 🎉

This is a benefit that ConvertKit gives to people who have been there for five years (on top of your regular vacation allowance for that year) and I’m grateful for it.

While I may be taking a break from work over the next month, I’ll still be here in your inbox with the Dispatch each Monday sharing more writing on marketing design and perhaps even some design explorations for personal projects.

How I'm spending my month-long sabbatical

I’m curious, what would YOU do with your time if you had a fully-paid month off work?

Given the pandemic situation (and a chronically ill cat who needs daily medication) I’m not spending this month travelling the world as I’d first envisioned when this benefit was announced. Instead I’m spending it all in my home-city of Valencia, and here’s what I’m planning for the next 4 weeks.

One full week of solid rest and relaxation.

I’m kicking off my sabbatical with a full week of rest. No work, no side projects. Just reading books, cycling to the beach, playing video games, meals with friends and taking siestas. Switching off is difficult for me (especially cos the moment I have margin is when ideas start flowing that I’ll want to act on!), but after a highly stressful few years of life and work I know I need to allow myself to just get a little bored quite honestly.


Luckily I live in a city that others love to visit on their vacation! So staying home isn’t so bad. I am craving a change of environment though, so I’ve booked in a couple of nights in hotels in the city during my month off.

Book writing

Once my self-mandated full week of rest is over I’m looking forward to being able to spend more time writing my book. As you may know, it’s been a slow process so far but it’s one I’m still very much committed to and I’m excited to have the time and space to make meaningful progress on it.

Whatever the heck I feel like!

What I’m most excited about for this month off though is margin. I’m so excited to wake up every day and do whatever I feel drawn to whether it’s reading, writing, designing (I’m itching to tackle the design & build of my personal site… it’s been a while!), creating content, streaming video games or nothing in particular. I feel my most creative when I can follow whims, and with no meetings or work responsibilities for the next month I’ll be free to do just that. What a privilege!

I hope you’ll enjoy following along with this sabbatical journey through this newsletter and my YouTube channel.

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Read: Johnnie Gómez for Lovers Magazine

I first met Johnnie when he was one of the kind folks who volunteered to be interviewed for season 1 of my podcast, Inside Marketing Design. He’s incredibly talented and kind hearted and I really enjoyed reading this recent profile on Lovers Magazine.

Read it here

I’ll end with this meme that crossed my timeline exactly when I needed it to yesterday as I was rushing to wrap up the last few things and started worrying about leaving my work and my team for a month.

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Tobias van Schneider
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June 24th 2022

I know I did the best I could to prepare my team for this time off, and that it’s going to fly by. So now I best get on with enjoying it!

Have a good week,

Charli's handwritten signature

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