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Marketing Design Dispatch

My top 6: A 2022 round-up

Well Reader, it’s time for the last Dispatch of 2022.

I always get super reflective at this time of year, so in this issue I want to share a roundup with you of some of what I believe to be the most interesting or most useful things I’ve created and written over the past 12 months.

It’s hard to keep up with everything in the constant stream of content that is the internet, so I hope you enjoy this curated roundup, and that it can perhaps get you motivated for the year ahead.

Starting off with...

My home office tour

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My full-time tech design job, video recording, live streams, book writing, podcasts… It’s all out of my home office! I made a fair few updates and changes since my last home office tour (in 2020), including artwork, tech, and layout, which called for a new 2022 remote office tour.

My annual income report (with real numbers)

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This has become a video I look forward to gathering the data for every year. It’s a great way to keep track of the different avenues of business that I manage - and if you're a side hustler yourself then I hope it might help spark some new ideas of income streams you could try. You can see a blog version breakdown here with all the data and charts.

Inside Marketing Design season 3

The latest season of my podcast, Inside Marketing Design. This was wrapped up only very recently, with the round-up episode going live just last week. This is a project that I put so much time and effort into, and season 3 has probably been the best yet. I chat to 15 different designers, and find out how they work, their processes, systems, programs, and everything in between. Check out all the episodes here (including interviews from Zendesk,, Planoly, and Sketch).

Creating the ConvertKit marketing site design system

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A project I’ve been chipping away at in my full-time Creative Director job at ConvertKit. Progress has been slower than we expected (hence why the series is still only this one video for now...) but a part 2 update will be coming in January! In the meantime, this first update video gives you a look at our plans and goals for the system.

Outcome vs output

This was a Marketing Design Dispatch issue, turned blog post. In it I highlighted the importance of understanding the difference between outcomes and output, and how they can contribute in helping you reach the next level of your design career. This came as part of the book I’m writing, which I plan to write a lot more of in 2023.

Redesigning my website

It all started with getting inspired, and rewriting my homepage… Which lead to a whole site overhaul. I realised my site wasn’t promoting my content in the best way, reflecting my services, or presenting myself and my expertise how I wanted it to!

In summer 2022, I took a 4 week sabbatical, and took some of that time to live stream my website redesign.

Check out my updated website here!

Need some help planning what you want to work on in 2023?

As you can probably tell by now, I love to plan my work. Every year, I use one of Shawn Blanc’s ‘plan your year’ workbooks to take all the ideas floating around in my head, and put them on paper (or iPad).

Seeing as I use Shawn’s workbooks every year, I can highly recommend them to get organized for your work year ahead of you! The process is fun, easy, and makes you feel so ready to tackle what’s ahead.

2022 wasn’t my favorite year, I have to be honest. But I’m proud of the content and progress I made despite going through some trying times. Most of all I think I’m proud of the way I rested when I needed to this year.

Here’s to a better year in 2023! And to sharing it with you 💜

Marketing Design Dispatch

Join 17,000+ creatives receiving insider insights about brand and marketing design – featuring landing page and rebrand breakdowns, useful career content, and a behind-the-scenes look at running a Brand Studio team in tech.

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